The Time Has Come
FINALLY…. Solid steel in ground certified, tested, and approved storm shelters that are engineered, fabricated, and installed in the southeast!
If you have been considering storm protection for you and your family, look no further. SteelSafe Shelters are at the forefront of storm protection and our shelters contain some of the most innovative features and the highest install standards on the market today.
Our flush, solid steel models are designed to be installed inside a new or existing carport or garage, and take up no space from your usable area. This shelter design is installed under your concrete floor in the garage or carport (yes, existing homes also) and you park your vehicle right over the top of it. Amazingly, our dual lid design not only provides two methods to exit your shelter in emergency situations but also allows you to enter your shelter without having to move your vehicle when a quick entry is necessary. This is a great feature should you be asleep when the awful sound of weather siren awakes you, leaving you little or no time to be prepared. And the best part, with our in ground flush shelter, you never have to get out in the storm to retreat to the safety of your shelter.

Our outdoor models are designed for those who might not have a covered garage or carport. This shelter model, like the flush model, is a solid steel unit and is one of the most advanced and well thought out exterior shelters available.
When considering the design, test results, features, and installation requirements; we feel that you will quickly see that a SteelSafe Shelter is simply the choice that makes sense!
Steel Safe Shelters Advantages
Flush Steel Shelters (Under Slab in Garage/Carport)
Exterior Coating
To protect against rust and corrosion, all SteelSafe Shelters are sprayed with coal tar epoxy. This is the same epoxy that the US Army Corp of Engineers requires that oil rigs apply to any steel that is below the water level.

Anchor System
SteelSafe Shelters were designed with the highest standard of anchoring in mind. No other shelter on the market has install guidelines as stringent as our shelters. Our regular and medium shelter both require 8 pcs of #4 rebar each as standard while our X Large model requires 18 pcs of #4 rebar as standard (retro installs, under existing slab). This serves as added measures to prevent your unit from ever being pulled out of the ground or floating.
The Lids
Some companies will tell you that a single lid is the safest way to go. You can decide this for yourself. A single lid shelter has one way out, and one way only. Besides that, it opens outside of itself, requiring several feet of unobstructed area to open at all. Our double lid system opens within itself (contained completely within the shelter top) and has a normal operating door on the front and another emergency exit door on the rear. Both doors are fully removable by hand ( two adults) should you need to have an emergency exit.

A single lid would be weigh too much for even several typical adults to raise off of the shelter top by hand. Furthermore, as an added benefit and to give the occupants additional “peace of mind”, all of our shelter models come standard with a 4’ come along and a fabricated hook on the back wall. Should the worse possible situation happen ( your car is moved over onto the door or a very large tree is blown down on the door, you have added options with assistance to open the door. Simply connect the come along to the rear hook that is fabricated on the back wall and the other end of the come along to the door and just crank the door open.
Every SteelSafe Shelter is standard with our battery powered air induction system. This system mounts right to the top of the shelter on the inside, directly to an air vent, and draws air into the shelter from the outside and circulates the air throughout the shelter. Also included with this system as standard is a fluorescent light to provide ample lighting within the shelter. This system operates on 8 “D” batteries and can run continuously for 24 hours.
We encourage you to compare our standard safety features and benefits to any other unit on the market today. really….. the choice is simple.
Standard Dimensions
3' Wide X 6' Long X 4.5' Deep – Suitable For 8 People
(Available For Both Existing Homes And New Construction)
4' Wide X 7' Long X 4.5' Deep – Suitable For 10 People
(Available For Both Existing Homes And New Construction)
Extra Large
5' Wide X 8' Long X 5' Deep – Suitable For 14 People
(Available For Both Existing Homes And New Construction)
Tested & Approved
All of our shelter models meet or exceed to requirements to qualify for available funding and grants that are available through FEMA, ADEM, or your county EMA. This includes: